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Books on Shakespeare, made by veteran theatre producers

Carmen Khan


is the Artistic/Executive Director of The Philadelphia Shakespeare Theatre. She holds a Bachelor of Education from St. Mary’s College, University of London, England, and a Master of Fine Arts in Acting from The Catholic University of America, in Washington, D.C. She has been a professional actor, director and producer for the last twenty five years. She co-founded The Laughing Stock Theatre, an all-comedy theatre, and was Artistic Director of The Red Heel Theatre, devoted to the little-known classics of the Jacobean era, both in Philadelphia.

Jack Armstrong


In addition to writing or editing most of The Philadelphia Shakespeare Theatre's proposals and strategy papers, Jack also created “The Architecture of Shakespeare’s Macbeth” chart, based on his and Carmen's extensive notes taken over decades of producing Shakespeare. He has also written two novels, two screenplays, several stage plays and scores of essays and poems on a wide range of topics. Jack loves climbing, hiking, sailing, photography, carpentry and furniture design, playing and composing music, studying foreign languages, and is a life long student of philosophy.

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